add BillboardSpriteBatch
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
<Compile Include="Graphics\CustomShaders\CustomVertexLerpShader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\CustomShaders\CustomVertexSkinningShader.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\SpriteBatch.cs" />
<Compile Include="Graphics\BillboardSpriteBatch.cs" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\Portable\$(TargetFrameworkVersion)\Microsoft.Portable.CSharp.targets" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Blarg.GameFramework.Graphics
public enum BillboardSpriteType
public class BillboardSpriteBatch
static StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder(8192);
const int DefaultSpriteCount = 128;
const int ResizeSpriteIncrement = 16;
const int VerticesPerSprite = 4;
const int IndicesPerSprite = 6;
VertexBuffer _vertices;
IndexBuffer _indices;
Texture[] _textures;
RenderState _defaultRenderState;
RenderState _providedRenderState;
BlendState _defaultBlendState;
BlendState _providedBlendState;
Vector3 _cameraPosition;
Vector3 _cameraForward;
SpriteShader _shader;
int _currentSpritePointer;
bool _hasBegunRendering;
Color _defaultSpriteColor = Color.White;
// since it's not valid C# to use 'ref' with a static readonly field...
Vector3 _zeroVector = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 _yAxis = Vector3.YAxis;
Vector3 _up = Vector3.Up;
public GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice { get; private set; }
public BillboardSpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
if (graphicsDevice == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("graphicsDevice");
GraphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
int numSprites = DefaultSpriteCount;
_currentSpritePointer = 0;
_vertices = new VertexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, VertexAttributeDeclarations.TextureColorPosition3D, (numSprites * VerticesPerSprite), BufferObjectUsage.Stream);
_indices = new IndexBuffer(GraphicsDevice, (numSprites * IndicesPerSprite), BufferObjectUsage.Stream);
_textures = new Texture[numSprites];
FillSpriteIndicesFor(0, numSprites - 1);
_defaultRenderState = RenderState.Default;
_providedRenderState = null;
_defaultBlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;
_providedBlendState = null;
_hasBegunRendering = false;
#region Begin/End
public void Begin(SpriteShader shader = null)
InternalBegin(null, null, shader);
public void Begin(RenderState renderState, SpriteShader shader = null)
InternalBegin(renderState, null, shader);
public void Begin(BlendState blendState, SpriteShader shader = null)
InternalBegin(null, blendState, shader);
public void Begin(RenderState renderState, BlendState blendState, SpriteShader shader = null)
InternalBegin(renderState, blendState, shader);
public void End()
if (!_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// don't do anything if nothing is to be rendered!
if (_currentSpritePointer == 0)
_hasBegunRendering = false;
if (_providedRenderState != null)
if (_providedBlendState != null)
_hasBegunRendering = false;
private void InternalBegin(RenderState renderState, BlendState blendState, SpriteShader shader)
if (_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
_cameraPosition = GraphicsDevice.ViewContext.Camera.Position;
_cameraForward = GraphicsDevice.ViewContext.Camera.Forward;
if (shader == null)
_shader = GraphicsDevice.Sprite3DShader;
if (!shader.IsReadyForUse)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Shader not usable for rendering.");
_shader = shader;
if (renderState != null)
_providedRenderState = renderState;
_providedRenderState = null;
if (blendState != null)
_providedBlendState = blendState;
_providedBlendState = null;
_currentSpritePointer = 0;
_hasBegunRendering = true;
private void RenderQueue()
int firstSpriteIndex = 0;
int lastSpriteIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _currentSpritePointer; ++i)
if (_textures[lastSpriteIndex] != _textures[i])
// if the next texture is different then the last range's
// texture, then we need to render the last range now
RenderQueueRange(firstSpriteIndex, lastSpriteIndex);
// switch to the new range with this new texture
firstSpriteIndex = i;
lastSpriteIndex = i;
// we'll have one last range to render at this point (the loop would have
// ended before it was caught by the checks inside the loop)
RenderQueueRange(firstSpriteIndex, lastSpriteIndex);
// clear out the texture's array so it's not holding references
// to stuff that might need to be collected by the GC
// (e.g. if we render a lot of sprites one frame, and then the next
// bunch of frames we don't render as much, the end of the array
// will still hold old references to Texture objects used previously)
for (int i = 0; i < _textures.Length; ++i)
_textures[i] = null;
private void RenderQueueRange(int firstSpriteIndex, int lastSpriteIndex)
int startVertexIndex = firstSpriteIndex * IndicesPerSprite;
int lastVertexIndex = (lastSpriteIndex + 1) * IndicesPerSprite; // render up to and including the last sprite
// take the texture from anywhere in this range (doesn't matter where, it should all be the same texture)
Texture spriteTexture = _textures[firstSpriteIndex];
bool hasAlphaOnly = spriteTexture.Format == TextureFormat.Alpha ? true : false;
GraphicsDevice.RenderTriangles(startVertexIndex, (lastVertexIndex - startVertexIndex) / 3);
#region Render: Sprites
public void Render(Texture texture, float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type)
Render(texture, x, y, z, width, height, type, ref _defaultSpriteColor);
public void Render(Texture texture, float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color)
var position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
AddSprite(type, texture, ref position, width, height, 0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height, ref color);
public void Render(Texture texture, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type)
Render(texture, ref position, width, height, type, ref _defaultSpriteColor);
public void Render(Texture texture, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color)
AddSprite(type, texture, ref position, width, height, 0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height, ref color);
public void Render(TextureAtlas atlas, int index, float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type)
Render(atlas, index, x, y, z, width, height, type, ref _defaultSpriteColor);
public void Render(TextureAtlas atlas, int index, float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color)
RectF texCoords;
atlas.GetTileTexCoords(index, out texCoords);
var position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
AddSprite(type, atlas.Texture, ref position, width, height, texCoords.Left, texCoords.Top, texCoords.Right, texCoords.Bottom, ref color);
public void Render(TextureAtlas atlas, int index, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type)
Render(atlas, index, ref position, width, height, type, ref _defaultSpriteColor);
public void Render(TextureAtlas atlas, int index, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color)
RectF texCoords;
atlas.GetTileTexCoords(index, out texCoords);
AddSprite(type, atlas.Texture, ref position, width, height, texCoords.Left, texCoords.Top, texCoords.Right, texCoords.Bottom, ref color);
#region Render: Fonts
public void Render(SpriteFont font, float x, float y, float z, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color, float pixelScale, string text)
var position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Render(font, ref position, type, ref color, pixelScale, text);
public void Render(SpriteFont font, ref Vector3 position, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color, float pixelScale, string text)
int textWidth;
int textHeight;
font.MeasureString(out textWidth, out textHeight, text);
// the x,y,z coordinate specified is used as the position to center the
// text billboard around. we start drawing the text at the top-left of this
float startX = -(float)((textWidth / 2) * pixelScale);
float startY = -(float)((textHeight / 2) * pixelScale);
float drawX = startX;
float drawY = startY;
float lineHeight = (float)(font.LetterHeight * pixelScale);
Matrix4x4 transform;
GetTransformFor(type, ref position, out transform);
RectF texCoords;
Rect dimensions;
var drawCoordinates = new Vector3();
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i)
char c = text[i];
if (c == '\n')
// new line
drawX = startX;
drawY += lineHeight;
font.GetCharTexCoords(c, out texCoords);
font.GetCharDimensions(c, out dimensions);
float glyphWidth = (float)(dimensions.Width * pixelScale);
float glyphHeight = (float)(dimensions.Height * pixelScale);
drawCoordinates.X = -drawX;
drawCoordinates.Y = -drawY;
ref transform,
ref drawCoordinates,
glyphWidth, glyphHeight,
texCoords.Left, texCoords.Top, texCoords.Right, texCoords.Bottom,
ref color
drawX += glyphWidth;
public void Printf(SpriteFont font, float x, float y, float z, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color, float pixelScale, string format, params object[] args)
_buffer.AppendFormat(format, args);
var position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
Render(font, ref position, type, ref color, pixelScale, _buffer.ToString());
public void Printf(SpriteFont font, ref Vector3 position, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Color color, float pixelScale, string format, params object[] args)
_buffer.AppendFormat(format, args);
Render(font, ref position, type, ref color, pixelScale, _buffer.ToString());
#region Internal Sprite Addition / Management
private void AddSprite(BillboardSpriteType type, Texture texture, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceRight, int sourceBottom, ref Color color)
if (!_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
Matrix4x4 transform;
GetTransformFor(type, ref position, out transform);
// zero vector used as offset since the transform will translate the billboard
// to the specified position
AddSprite(type, ref transform, texture, ref _zeroVector, width, height, sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceRight, sourceBottom, ref color);
private void AddSprite(BillboardSpriteType type, Texture texture, ref Vector3 position, float width, float height, float texCoordLeft, float texCoordTop, float texCoordRight, float texCoordBottom, ref Color color)
if (!_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
Matrix4x4 transform;
GetTransformFor(type, ref position, out transform);
// zero vector used as offset since the transform will translate the billboard
// to the specified position
AddSprite(type, ref transform, texture, ref _zeroVector, width, height, texCoordLeft, texCoordTop, texCoordRight, texCoordBottom, ref color);
private void AddSprite(BillboardSpriteType type, ref Matrix4x4 transform, Texture texture, ref Vector3 offset, float width, float height, int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, int sourceRight, int sourceBottom, ref Color color)
if (!_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
int sourceWidth = sourceRight - sourceLeft;
if (sourceWidth < 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Zero-length width");
int sourceHeight = sourceBottom - sourceTop;
if (sourceHeight < 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Zero-length height.");
float texLeft = sourceLeft / (float)sourceWidth;
float texTop = sourceTop / (float)sourceHeight;
float texRight = sourceRight / (float)sourceWidth;
float texBottom = sourceBottom / (float)sourceHeight;
if (GetRemainingSpriteSpaces() < 1)
SetSpriteInfo(_currentSpritePointer, type, ref transform, texture, ref offset, width, height, texLeft, texTop, texRight, texBottom, ref color);
private void AddSprite(BillboardSpriteType type, ref Matrix4x4 transform, Texture texture, ref Vector3 offset, float width, float height, float texCoordLeft, float texCoordTop, float texCoordRight, float texCoordBottom, ref Color color)
if (!_hasBegunRendering)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private void SetSpriteInfo(int spriteIndex, BillboardSpriteType type, ref Matrix4x4 transform, Texture texture, ref Vector3 offset, float width, float height, float texCoordLeft, float texCoordTop, float texCoordRight, float texCoordBottom, ref Color color)
int baseVertexIndex = spriteIndex * VerticesPerSprite;
float halfWidth = width / 2.0f;
float halfHeight = height / 2.0f;
// TODO: come back to this and re-figure out why I needed to reverse this like so...
float left = halfWidth;
float top = -halfHeight;
float right = -halfWidth;
float bottom = halfHeight;
// TODO: I'm unsure if all of this is better, or if putting the transformation matrix
// in the VBO as an extra vertex attribute to do the transform in the
// shader would be better
// transforming 4 vertices on the CPU vs copying 4 matrices into a VBO...
Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(left + offset.X, top + offset.Y, 0.0f + offset.Z);
Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(right + offset.X, top + offset.Y, 0.0f + offset.Z);
Vector3 v3 = new Vector3(right + offset.X, bottom + offset.Y, 0.0f + offset.Z);
Vector3 v4 = new Vector3(left + offset.X, bottom + offset.Y, 0.0f + offset.Z);
Matrix4x4.Transform(ref transform, ref v1, out v1);
Matrix4x4.Transform(ref transform, ref v2, out v2);
Matrix4x4.Transform(ref transform, ref v3, out v3);
Matrix4x4.Transform(ref transform, ref v4, out v4);
_vertices.SetPosition3D(baseVertexIndex + 0, ref v1);
_vertices.SetPosition3D(baseVertexIndex + 1, ref v2);
_vertices.SetPosition3D(baseVertexIndex + 2, ref v3);
_vertices.SetPosition3D(baseVertexIndex + 3, ref v4);
_vertices.SetTexCoord(baseVertexIndex + 0, texCoordLeft, texCoordBottom);
_vertices.SetTexCoord(baseVertexIndex + 1, texCoordRight, texCoordBottom);
_vertices.SetTexCoord(baseVertexIndex + 2, texCoordRight, texCoordTop);
_vertices.SetTexCoord(baseVertexIndex + 3, texCoordLeft, texCoordTop);
_vertices.SetColor(baseVertexIndex + 0, ref color);
_vertices.SetColor(baseVertexIndex + 1, ref color);
_vertices.SetColor(baseVertexIndex + 2, ref color);
_vertices.SetColor(baseVertexIndex + 3, ref color);
_textures[spriteIndex] = texture;
private void GetTransformFor(BillboardSpriteType type, ref Vector3 position, out Matrix4x4 transform)
switch (type)
case BillboardSpriteType.Spherical:
Matrix4x4.CreateBillboard(ref position, ref _cameraPosition, ref _up, ref _cameraForward, out transform);
case BillboardSpriteType.Cylindrical:
Matrix4x4.CreateCylindricalBillboard(ref position, ref _cameraPosition, ref _cameraForward, ref _yAxis, out transform);
case BillboardSpriteType.ScreenAligned:
Matrix4x4.CreateScreenAlignedBillboard(ref position, ref _up, ref _cameraForward, out transform);
case BillboardSpriteType.ScreenAndAxisAligned:
Matrix4x4.CreateScreenAndAxisAlignedBillboard(ref position, ref _cameraForward, ref _yAxis, out transform);
throw new NotImplementedException();
private int GetRemainingSpriteSpaces()
int currentMaxSprites = _vertices.NumElements / VerticesPerSprite;
return currentMaxSprites - _currentSpritePointer;
private void AddMoreSpriteSpace(int numSprites)
int numVerticesToAdd = numSprites * VerticesPerSprite;
int numIndicesToAdd = numSprites * IndicesPerSprite;
int newTextureArraySize = _textures.Length + numSprites;
int oldSpriteCount = _vertices.NumElements / VerticesPerSprite;
Array.Resize(ref _textures, newTextureArraySize);
int newSpriteCount = _vertices.NumElements / VerticesPerSprite;
FillSpriteIndicesFor(oldSpriteCount - 1, newSpriteCount - 1);
private void FillSpriteIndicesFor(int firstSprite, int lastSprite)
for (int i = firstSprite; i <= lastSprite; ++i)
int indicesStart = i * IndicesPerSprite;
int verticesStart = i * VerticesPerSprite;
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 0, (ushort)(verticesStart + 0));
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 1, (ushort)(verticesStart + 1));
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 2, (ushort)(verticesStart + 2));
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 3, (ushort)(verticesStart + 0));
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 4, (ushort)(verticesStart + 2));
_indices.Set(indicesStart + 5, (ushort)(verticesStart + 3));
Reference in a new issue