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2015-02-07 18:16:07 +01:00

327 lines
9.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <tuple>
#include <deque>
#ifdef SWIG
#define BWAPI_MAKE_POSITION_TEMPLATE(_n,T,_s) typedef BWAPI::Point<T,_s> _n;
#define BWAPI_MAKE_POSITION_TEMPLATE(_n,T,_s) typedef BWAPI::Point<T,_s> _n; \
namespace _n ## s \
{ const _n Invalid(32000/_s,32000/_s); \
const _n None(32000/_s,32032/_s); \
const _n Unknown(32000/_s,32064/_s); \
const _n Origin(0,0); \
namespace BWAPI
// Declaration
template<typename T, int Scale = 1>
class Point;
// Restrictions (no division by 0 or types too small to contain map positions)
template<typename T> class Point<T, 0> {};
template<int Scale> class Point<char, Scale> {};
template<int Scale> class Point<unsigned char, Scale> {};
template<int Scale> class Point<bool, Scale> {};
// ------------------------------------------------------ Point template ----------------
template<typename T, int Scale>
class Point
typedef std::deque< Point<T,Scale> > list;
// Constructors
Point() : x(T{}), y(T{}) {}
Point(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
template<typename _NT> Point(const Point<_NT, Scale> &pt) : x( (T)pt.x ), y( (T)pt.y ) {}
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4723 )
// Conversion constructor
template<typename _NT, int __NScale> explicit Point(const Point<_NT, __NScale> &pt)
: x((T)(__NScale > Scale ? pt.x*(__NScale / Scale) : pt.x / (Scale / __NScale)))
, y((T)(__NScale > Scale ? pt.y*(__NScale / Scale) : pt.y / (Scale / __NScale))) { }
#pragma warning( pop )
// Operators
explicit operator bool() const { return this->isValid(); };
bool operator == (const Point<T,Scale> &pos) const
return std::tie(this->x, this->y) == std::tie(pos.x, pos.y);
bool operator != (const Point<T,Scale> &pos) const
return !(*this == pos);
bool operator < (const Point<T,Scale> &position) const
return std::tie(this->x, this->y) < std::tie(position.x, position.y);
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator += (const Point<T, Scale> &p)
x += p.x;
y += p.y;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator + (const Point<T, Scale> &p) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r += p;
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator -= (const Point<T, Scale> &p)
x -= p.x;
y -= p.y;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator - (const Point<T, Scale> &p) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r -= p;
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator *= (const T &v)
x *= v;
y *= v;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator *(const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r *= v;
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator |= (const T &v)
x |= v;
y |= v;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator |(const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r |= v;
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator &= (const T &v)
x &= v;
y &= v;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator &(const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r &= v;
inline Point<T, Scale> &operator ^= (const T &v)
x ^= v;
y ^= v;
return *this;
inline Point<T, Scale> operator ^(const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> r(*this);
return r ^= v;
Point<T, Scale> operator / (const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> result(*this);
return result /= v;
Point<T, Scale> &operator /= (const T &val)
if (val == 0) { x = 32000 / Scale; y = 32000 / Scale; }
else { x /= val; y /= val; }
return *this;
Point<T, Scale> operator %(const T &v) const
Point<T, Scale> result(*this);
return result %= v;
Point<T, Scale> &operator %= (const T &val)
if (val == 0) { x = 32000 / Scale; y = 32000 / Scale; }
else { x %= val; y %= val; }
return *this;
/// Ouput stream operator overload. Outputs the Point in the format "(x,y)" without
/// quotations.
/// @param out
/// Output stream.
/// @param pt
/// Point to output.
/// @returns Output stream \p out.
friend std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, const Point<T, Scale> &pt)
return out << '(' << pt.x << ',' << pt.y << ')';
friend std::wostream &operator << (std::wostream &out, const Point<T, Scale> &pt)
return out << L'(' << pt.x << L',' << pt.y << L')';
/// Input stream operator overload. Reads the input in the form "x y" without quotations.
/// The x and y values are read as type T(typically int or float) and stored into pt.
/// @param in
/// The input stream.
/// @param pt
/// The receiving variable.
/// @returns Input stream \p in.
friend std::istream &operator >> (std::istream &in, Point<T, Scale> &pt)
return in >> pt.x >> pt.y;
friend std::wistream &operator >> (std::wistream &in, Point<T, Scale> &pt)
return in >> pt.x >> pt.y;
/// Checks if this point is within the game's map bounds.
/// @note If the Broodwar pointer is not initialized, this function will check validity
/// against the largest (256x256) map size.
/// @retval true If it is a valid position and on the map/playing field.
/// @retval false If this is not a valid position.
/// @see makeValid
bool isValid() const;
/// Checks if this point is within the game's map bounds, if not, then it will set the x and y
/// values to be within map bounds. (Example: If x is less than 0, then x is set to 0)
/// @note If the Broodwar pointer is not initialized, this function will check validity
/// against the largest (256x256) map size.
/// @returns A reference to itself.
/// @see isValid
Point &makeValid();
/// Gets an accurate distance measurement from this point to the given position.
/// @note This function impedes performance. In most cases you should use getApproxDistance.
/// @param position
/// The target position to get the distance to.
/// @returns A double representing the distance between this point and \p position.
/// @see getApproxDistance
double getDistance(const Point<T,Scale> &position) const
return ((*this) - position).getLength();
/// Gets the length of this point from the top left corner of the map.
/// @note This function impedes performance. In most cases you should use getApproxDistance.
/// @returns A double representing the length of this point from (0,0).
/// @see getApproxDistance
double getLength() const
double x = (double)this->x;
double y = (double)this->y;
return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
/// Retrieves the approximate distance using an algorithm from Starcraft: Broodwar.
/// @note This function is desired because it uses the same "imperfect" algorithm used in
/// Broodwar, so that calculations will be consistent with the game. It is also optimized
/// for performance.
/// @param position
/// The target point to measure the distance to.
/// @returns An integer representing the distance between this point and \p position.
/// @see getDistance
int getApproxDistance(const Point<T,Scale> &position) const
unsigned int min = abs((int)(this->x - position.x));
unsigned int max = abs((int)(this->y - position.y));
if ( max < min )
std::swap(min, max);
if ( min < (max >> 2) )
return max;
unsigned int minCalc = (3*min) >> 3;
return (minCalc >> 5) + minCalc + max - (max >> 4) - (max >> 6);
/// Sets the maximum x and y values. If the current x or y values exceed the given maximum,
/// then values are set to the maximum.
/// @param max_x
/// Maximum x value.
/// @param max_y
/// Maximum y value.
/// @returns A reference to itself.
/// @see setMin
Point &setMax(T max_x, T max_y)
if ( x > max_x )
x = max_x;
if ( y > max_y )
y = max_y;
return *this;
/// @overload
Point &setMax(const Point<T,Scale> &max)
this->setMax(max.x, max.y);
return *this;
/// Sets the minimum x and y values. If the current x or y values are below the given minimum,
/// then values are set to the minimum.
/// @param min_x
/// Minimum x value.
/// @param min_y
/// Minimum y value.
/// @returns A reference to itself.
/// @see setMax
Point &setMin(T min_x, T min_y)
if ( x < min_x )
x = min_x;
if ( y < min_y )
y = min_y;
return *this;
/// @overload
Point &setMin(const Point<T,Scale> &min)
this->setMin(min.x, min.y);
return *this;
/// The x and y members for this class.
/// Simply reference these members when retrieving a position's x and y values.
T x, y;