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2014-08-05 10:43:14 +02:00

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package bwapi;
import bwapi.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
/** The Unit class is used to get information about individual units as well as issue orders to units. Each
* unit in the game has a unique Unit object, and Unit objects are not deleted until the end of the match
* (so you don't need to worry about unit pointers becoming invalid).
* Every Unit in the game is either accessible or inaccessible. To determine if an AI can access a
* particular unit, BWAPI checks to see if Flag::CompleteMapInformation? is enabled. So there are two cases
* to consider - either the flag is enabled, or it is disabled:
* If Flag::CompleteMapInformation? is disabled, then a unit is accessible if and only if it is visible.
* Note also that some properties of visible enemy units will not be made available to the AI (such as the
* contents of visible enemy dropships). If a unit is not visible, Unit::exists will return false,
* regardless of whether or not the unit exists. This is because absolutely no state information on
* invisible enemy units is made available to the AI. To determine if an enemy unit has been destroyed, the
* AI must watch for AIModule::onUnitDestroy messages from BWAPI, which is only called for visible units
* which get destroyed.
* If Flag::CompleteMapInformation? is enabled, then all units that exist in the game are accessible, and
* Unit::exists is accurate for all units. Similarly AIModule::onUnitDestroy messages are generated for all
* units that get destroyed, not just visible ones.
* If a Unit is not accessible, in general the only the getInitial__ functions will be available to the AI.
* However for units that were owned by the player, getPlayer and getType will continue to work for units
* that have been destroyed. */
public class Unit {
/** Returns a unique ID for this unit. It simply casts the unit's address as an integer, since each unit
* has a unique address. */
public int getID() {
return getID_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit ID that is used in a replay (*.rep) file's action recordings. */
public int getReplayID() {
return getReplayID_native(pointer);
/** Returns a pointer to the player that owns this unit. */
public Player getPlayer() {
return getPlayer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the current type of the unit. */
public UnitType getType() {
return getType_native(pointer);
/** Returns the position of the unit on the map. */
public Position getPosition() {
return getPosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the build tile position of the unit on the map. Useful if the unit is a building. The tile
* position is of the top left corner of the building. */
public TilePosition getTilePosition() {
return getTilePosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the direction the unit is facing, measured in radians. An angle of 0 means the unit is
* facing east. */
public double getAngle() {
return getAngle_native(pointer);
/** Returns the x component of the unit's velocity, measured in pixels per frame. */
public double getVelocityX() {
return getVelocityX_native(pointer);
/** Returns the y component of the unit's velocity, measured in pixels per frame. */
public double getVelocityY() {
return getVelocityY_native(pointer);
/** Returns the region that this unit is currently in. */
public Region getRegion() {
return getRegion_native(pointer);
/** Returns the X coordinate of the left side of the unit. */
public int getLeft() {
return getLeft_native(pointer);
/** Returns the Y coordinate of the top side of the unit. */
public int getTop() {
return getTop_native(pointer);
/** Returns the X coordinate of the right side of the unit. */
public int getRight() {
return getRight_native(pointer);
/** Returns the Y coordinate of the bottom side of the unit. */
public int getBottom() {
return getBottom_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's current amount of hit points. */
public int getHitPoints() {
return getHitPoints_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's current amount of shields. */
public int getShields() {
return getShields_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's current amount of energy. */
public int getEnergy() {
return getEnergy_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's current amount of containing resources. Useful for determining how much minerals
* are left in a mineral patch, or how much gas is left in a geyser
* (can also be called on a refinery/assimilator/extractor). */
public int getResources() {
return getResources_native(pointer);
/** Retrieves the group ID of a resource. Can be used to identify which resources belong to an expansion. */
public int getResourceGroup() {
return getResourceGroup_native(pointer);
/** Returns the edge-to-edge distance between the current unit and the target unit. */
public int getDistance(Unit target) {
return getDistance_native(pointer, target);
/** Returns the distance from the edge of the current unit to the target position. */
public int getDistance(Position target) {
return getDistance_native(pointer, target);
/** Returns true if the unit is able to move to the target unit */
public boolean hasPath(Unit target) {
return hasPath_native(pointer, target);
/** Returns true if the unit is able to move to the target position */
public boolean hasPath(Position target) {
return hasPath_native(pointer, target);
/** Returns the frame of the last successful command. Frame is comparable to Game::getFrameCount(). */
public int getLastCommandFrame() {
return getLastCommandFrame_native(pointer);
/** Returns the last successful command. */
public Player getLastAttackingPlayer() {
return getLastAttackingPlayer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the player's current upgrade level for the given upgrade, if the unit is affected by this
* upgrade.*/
public int getUpgradeLevel(UpgradeType upgrade) {
return getUpgradeLevel_native(pointer, upgrade);
/** Returns the initial type of the unit or Unknown if it wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the
* game. */
public UnitType getInitialType() {
return getInitialType_native(pointer);
/** Returns the initial position of the unit on the map, or Positions::Unknown if the unit wasn't a
* neutral unit at the beginning of the game. */
public Position getInitialPosition() {
return getInitialPosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the initial build tile position of the unit on the map, or TilePositions::Unknown if the
* unit wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning of the game. The tile position is of the top left corner
* of the building. */
public TilePosition getInitialTilePosition() {
return getInitialTilePosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's initial amount of hit points, or 0 if it wasn't a neutral unit at the beginning
* of the game. */
public int getInitialHitPoints() {
return getInitialHitPoints_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's initial amount of containing resources, or 0 if the unit wasn't a neutral unit
* at the beginning of the game. */
public int getInitialResources() {
return getInitialResources_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's current kill count. */
public int getKillCount() {
return getKillCount_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit's acid spore count. */
public int getAcidSporeCount() {
return getAcidSporeCount_native(pointer);
/** Returns the number of interceptors the Protoss Carrier has. */
public int getInterceptorCount() {
return getInterceptorCount_native(pointer);
/** Returns the number of scarabs in the Protoss Reaver. */
public int getScarabCount() {
return getScarabCount_native(pointer);
/** Returns the number of spider mines in the Terran Vulture. */
public int getSpiderMineCount() {
return getSpiderMineCount_native(pointer);
/** Returns unit's ground weapon cooldown. It is 0 if the unit is ready to attack. */
public int getGroundWeaponCooldown() {
return getGroundWeaponCooldown_native(pointer);
/** Returns unit's air weapon cooldown. It is 0 if the unit is ready to attack. */
public int getAirWeaponCooldown() {
return getAirWeaponCooldown_native(pointer);
/** Returns unit's ground weapon cooldown. It is 0 if the unit is ready cast a spell. */
public int getSpellCooldown() {
return getSpellCooldown_native(pointer);
/** Returns the remaining hit points of the defense matrix. Initially a defense Matrix has 250 points.
* \see Unit::getDefenseMatrixTimer, Unit::isDefenseMatrixed. */
public int getDefenseMatrixPoints() {
return getDefenseMatrixPoints_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the defense matrix wears off. 0 -> No defense Matrix present. */
public int getDefenseMatrixTimer() {
return getDefenseMatrixTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the ensnare effect wears off. 0 -> No ensnare effect present. */
public int getEnsnareTimer() {
return getEnsnareTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the radiation wears off. 0 -> No radiation present. */
public int getIrradiateTimer() {
return getIrradiateTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the lockdown wears off. 0 -> No lockdown present. */
public int getLockdownTimer() {
return getLockdownTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the maelstrom wears off. 0 -> No maelstrom present. */
public int getMaelstromTimer() {
return getMaelstromTimer_native(pointer);
public int getOrderTimer() {
return getOrderTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the plague wears off. 0 -> No plague present. */
public int getPlagueTimer() {
return getPlagueTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the amount of time until the unit is removed, or 0 if the unit does not have a remove timer.
* Used to determine how much time remains before hallucinated units, dark swarm, etc have until they
* are removed. */
public int getRemoveTimer() {
return getRemoveTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the stasis field wears off. 0 -> No stasis field present. */
public int getStasisTimer() {
return getStasisTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the time until the stimpack wears off. 0 -> No stimpack boost present. */
public int getStimTimer() {
return getStimTimer_native(pointer);
/** Returns the building type a worker is about to construct. If the unit is a morphing Zerg unit or an
* incomplete building, this returns the UnitType the unit is about to become upon completion.*/
public UnitType getBuildType() {
return getBuildType_native(pointer);
/** Returns the list of units queued up to be trained.
* \see Unit::train, Unit::cancelTrain, Unit::isTraining. */
public TechType getTech() {
return getTech_native(pointer);
/** Returns the upgrade that the unit is currently upgrading. If the unit is not upgrading anything,
* UpgradeTypes::None is returned.
* \see Unit::upgrade, Unit::cancelUpgrade, Unit::isUpgrading, Unit::getRemainingUpgradeTime. */
public UpgradeType getUpgrade() {
return getUpgrade_native(pointer);
/** Returns the remaining build time of a unit/building that is being constructed. */
public int getRemainingBuildTime() {
return getRemainingBuildTime_native(pointer);
/** Returns the remaining time of the unit that is currently being trained. If the unit is a Hatchery,
* Lair, or Hive, this returns the amount of time until the next larva spawns, or 0 if the unit already
* has 3 larva. */
public int getRemainingTrainTime() {
return getRemainingTrainTime_native(pointer);
/** Returns the amount of time until the unit is done researching its current tech. If the unit is not
* researching anything, 0 is returned.
* \see Unit::research, Unit::cancelResearch, Unit::isResearching, Unit::getTech. */
public int getRemainingResearchTime() {
return getRemainingResearchTime_native(pointer);
/** Returns the amount of time until the unit is done upgrading its current upgrade. If the unit is not
* upgrading anything, 0 is returned.
* \see Unit::upgrade, Unit::cancelUpgrade, Unit::isUpgrading, Unit::getUpgrade. */
public int getRemainingUpgradeTime() {
return getRemainingUpgradeTime_native(pointer);
/** If the unit is an SCV that is constructing a building, this will return the building it is
* constructing. If the unit is a Terran building that is being constructed, this will return the SCV
* that is constructing it. */
public Unit getBuildUnit() {
return getBuildUnit_native(pointer);
/** Generally returns the appropriate target unit after issuing an order that accepts a target unit
* (i.e. attack, repair, gather, follow, etc.). To check for a target that has been acquired
* automatically (without issuing an order) see getOrderTarget. */
public Unit getTarget() {
return getTarget_native(pointer);
/** Returns the target position the unit is moving to (provided a valid path to the target position
* exists). */
public Position getTargetPosition() {
return getTargetPosition_native(pointer);
public Order getOrder() {
return getOrder_native(pointer);
public Order getSecondaryOrder() {
return getSecondaryOrder_native(pointer);
/** This is usually set when the low level unit AI acquires a new target automatically. For example if
* an enemy probe comes in range of your marine, the marine will start attacking it, and getOrderTarget
* will be set in this case, but not getTarget. */
public Unit getOrderTarget() {
return getOrderTarget_native(pointer);
/** Returns the target position for the units order. For example for the move order getTargetPosition
* returns the end of the units path but this returns the location the unit is trying to move to. */
public Position getOrderTargetPosition() {
return getOrderTargetPosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the position the building is rallied to. If the building does not produce units,
* Positions::None is returned.
* \see Unit::setRallyPoint, Unit::getRallyUnit. */
public Position getRallyPosition() {
return getRallyPosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns the unit the building is rallied to. If the building is not rallied to any unit, NULL is
* returned.
* \see Unit::setRallyPoint, Unit::getRallyPosition. */
public Unit getRallyUnit() {
return getRallyUnit_native(pointer);
/** Returns the add-on of this unit, or NULL if the unit doesn't have an add-on. */
public Unit getAddon() {
return getAddon_native(pointer);
/** Returns the corresponding connected nydus canal of this unit, or NULL if the unit does not have a
* connected nydus canal. */
public Unit getNydusExit() {
return getNydusExit_native(pointer);
/** Returns the power up the unit is holding, or NULL if the unit is not holding a power up */
public Unit getPowerUp() {
return getPowerUp_native(pointer);
/** Returns the dropship, shuttle, overlord, or bunker that is this unit is loaded in to. */
public Unit getTransport() {
return getTransport_native(pointer);
/** Returns a list of the units loaded into a Terran Bunker, Terran Dropship, Protoss Shuttle, or Zerg
* Overlord. */
public List<Unit> getLoadedUnits() {
return getLoadedUnits_native(pointer);
/** For Protoss Interceptors, this returns the Carrier unit this Interceptor is controlled by. For all
* other unit types this function returns NULL. */
public Unit getCarrier() {
return getCarrier_native(pointer);
/** Returns the set of interceptors controlled by this unit. If the unit has no interceptors, or is not
* a Carrier, this function returns an empty set. */
public List<Unit> getInterceptors() {
return getInterceptors_native(pointer);
/** For Zerg Larva, this returns the Hatchery, Lair, or Hive unit this Larva was spawned from. For all
* other unit types this function returns NULL. */
public Unit getHatchery() {
return getHatchery_native(pointer);
/** Returns the set of larva spawned by this unit. If the unit has no larva, or is not a Hatchery, Lair,
* or Hive, this function returns an empty set. Equivalent to clicking "Select Larva" from the Starcraft
* GUI. */
public List<Unit> getLarva() {
return getLarva_native(pointer);
/** Returns the set of units within the given radius of this unit */
public List<Unit> getUnitsInRadius(int radius) {
return getUnitsInRadius_native(pointer, radius);
/** Returns the set of units within weapon range of this unit. */
public List<Unit> getUnitsInWeaponRange(WeaponType weapon) {
return getUnitsInWeaponRange_native(pointer, weapon);
/** Returns the unit's custom client info. The client is responsible for deallocation. */
public boolean exists() {
return exists_native(pointer);
/* Returns true if the Nuclear Missile Silo has a nuke */
public boolean hasNuke() {
return hasNuke_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is currently accelerating. */
public boolean isAccelerating() {
return isAccelerating_native(pointer);
public boolean isAttacking() {
return isAttacking_native(pointer);
public boolean isAttackFrame() {
return isAttackFrame_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is being constructed. Always true for incomplete Protoss and Zerg
* buildings, and true for incomplete Terran buildings that have an SCV constructing them. If the SCV
* halts construction, isBeingConstructed will return false.
* \see Unit::build, Unit::cancelConstruction, Unit::haltConstruction, Unit::isConstructing. */
public boolean isBeingConstructed() {
return isBeingConstructed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a mineral patch or refinery that is being gathered. */
public boolean isBeingGathered() {
return isBeingGathered_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is currently being healed by a Terran Medic, or repaired by a Terran SCV. */
public boolean isBeingHealed() {
return isBeingHealed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is currently blind from a Medic's Optical Flare. */
public boolean isBlind() {
return isBlind_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is currently braking/slowing down. */
public boolean isBraking() {
return isBraking_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a Zerg unit that is current burrowed.
* \see Unit::burrow, Unit::unburrow. */
public boolean isBurrowed() {
return isBurrowed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a worker that is carrying gas.
* \see Unit::returnCargo, Unit::isGatheringGas. */
public boolean isCarryingGas() {
return isCarryingGas_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a worker that is carrying minerals.
* \see Unit::returnCargo, Unit::isGatheringMinerals. */
public boolean isCarryingMinerals() {
return isCarryingMinerals_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is cloaked.
* \see Unit::cloak, Unit::decloak. */
public boolean isCloaked() {
return isCloaked_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been completed. */
public boolean isCompleted() {
return isCompleted_native(pointer);
/** Returns true when a unit has been issued an order to build a structure and is moving to the build
* location. Also returns true for Terran SCVs while they construct a building.
* \see Unit::build, Unit::cancelConstruction, Unit::haltConstruction, Unit::isBeingConstructed. */
public boolean isConstructing() {
return isConstructing_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has a defense matrix from a Terran Science Vessel. */
public boolean isDefenseMatrixed() {
return isDefenseMatrixed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is detected. */
public boolean isDetected() {
return isDetected_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been ensnared by a Zerg Queen. */
public boolean isEnsnared() {
return isEnsnared_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is following another unit.
* \see Unit::follow, Unit::getTarget. */
public boolean isFollowing() {
return isFollowing_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is in one of the four states for gathering gas (MoveToGas, WaitForGas,
* HarvestGas, ReturnGas).
* \see Unit::isCarryingGas. */
public boolean isGatheringGas() {
return isGatheringGas_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is in one of the four states for gathering minerals (MoveToMinerals,
* WaitForMinerals, MiningMinerals, ReturnMinerals).
* \see Unit::isCarryingMinerals. */
public boolean isGatheringMinerals() {
return isGatheringMinerals_native(pointer);
/** Returns true for hallucinated units, false for normal units. Returns true for hallucinated enemy
* units only if Complete Map Information is enabled.
* \see Unit::getRemoveTimer. */
public boolean isHallucination() {
return isHallucination_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is holding position
* \see Unit::holdPosition. */
public boolean isHoldingPosition() {
return isHoldingPosition_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is not doing anything.
* \see Unit::stop. */
public boolean isIdle() {
return isIdle_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit can be interrupted. */
public boolean isInterruptible() {
return isInterruptible_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is invincible. */
public boolean isInvincible() {
return isInvincible_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit can attack a specified target from its current position. */
public boolean isInWeaponRange(Unit target) {
return isInWeaponRange_native(pointer, target);
/** Returns true if the unit is being irradiated by a Terran Science Vessel.
* \see Unit::getIrradiateTimer. */
public boolean isIrradiated() {
return isIrradiated_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a Terran building that is currently lifted off the ground.
* \see Unit::lift,Unit::land. */
public boolean isLifted() {
return isLifted_native(pointer);
/** Return true if the unit is loaded into a Terran Bunker, Terran Dropship, Protoss Shuttle, or Zerg
* Overlord.
* \see Unit::load, Unit::unload, Unit::unloadAll. */
public boolean isLoaded() {
return isLoaded_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is locked down by a Terran Ghost.
* \see Unit::getLockdownTimer. */
public boolean isLockedDown() {
return isLockedDown_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is being maelstrommed.
* \see Unit::getMaelstromTimer. */
public boolean isMaelstrommed() {
return isMaelstrommed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a zerg unit that is morphing.
* \see Unit::morph, Unit::cancelMorph, Unit::getBuildType, Unit::getRemainingBuildTime. */
public boolean isMorphing() {
return isMorphing_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is moving.
* \see Unit::attack, Unit::stop. */
public boolean isMoving() {
return isMoving_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been parasited by some other player. */
public boolean isParasited() {
return isParasited_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is patrolling between two positions.
* \see Unit::patrol. */
public boolean isPatrolling() {
return isPatrolling_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been plagued by a Zerg Defiler.
* \see Unit::getPlagueTimer. */
public boolean isPlagued() {
return isPlagued_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a Terran SCV that is repairing or moving to repair another unit. */
public boolean isRepairing() {
return isRepairing_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a building that is researching tech. See TechTypes for the complete list
* of available techs in Broodwar.
* \see Unit::research, Unit::cancelResearch, Unit::getTech, Unit::getRemainingResearchTime. */
public boolean isResearching() {
return isResearching_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been selected by the user via the starcraft GUI. Only available if you
* enable Flag::UserInput during AIModule::onStart.
* \see Game::getSelectedUnits. */
public boolean isSelected() {
return isSelected_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a Terran Siege Tank that is currently in Siege mode.
* \see Unit::siege, Unit::unsiege. */
public boolean isSieged() {
return isSieged_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is starting to attack.
* \see Unit::attackUnit, Unit::getGroundWeaponCooldown, Unit::getAirWeaponCooldown. */
public boolean isStartingAttack() {
return isStartingAttack_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit has been stasised by a Protoss Arbiter.
* \see Unit::getStasisTimer. */
public boolean isStasised() {
return isStasised_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is currently stimmed.
* \see Unit::getStimTimer. */
public boolean isStimmed() {
return isStimmed_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is being pushed off of another unit */
public boolean isStuck() {
return isStuck_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is training units (i.e. a Barracks training Marines).
* \see Unit::train, Unit::getTrainingQueue, Unit::cancelTrain, Unit::getRemainingTrainTime. */
public boolean isTraining() {
return isTraining_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit was recently attacked. */
public boolean isUnderAttack() {
return isUnderAttack_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is under a Dark Swarm. */
public boolean isUnderDarkSwarm() {
return isUnderDarkSwarm_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is under a Disruption Web. */
public boolean isUnderDisruptionWeb() {
return isUnderDisruptionWeb_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is under a Protoss Psionic Storm. */
public boolean isUnderStorm() {
return isUnderStorm_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a Protoss building that is unpowered because no pylons are in range. */
public boolean isUnpowered() {
return isUnpowered_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is a building that is upgrading. See UpgradeTypes for the complete list
* of available upgrades in Broodwar.
* \see Unit::upgrade, Unit::cancelUpgrade, Unit::getUpgrade, Unit::getRemainingUpgradeTime. */
public boolean isUpgrading() {
return isUpgrading_native(pointer);
/** Returns true if the unit is visible. If the CompleteMapInformation? cheat flag is enabled, existing
* units hidden by the fog of war will be accessible, but isVisible will still return false.
* \see Unit::exists. */
public boolean isVisible() {
return isVisible_native(pointer);
public boolean isVisible(Player player) {
return isVisible_native(pointer, player);
/** Returns true if the unit is able to execute the given command, or false if there is an error */
public boolean canIssueCommand(UnitCommand command) {
return canIssueCommand_native(pointer, command);
/** Issues the give unit command, or returns false if there is an error */
public boolean issueCommand(UnitCommand command) {
return issueCommand_native(pointer, command);
/** Orders the unit to attack move to the specified location. */
public boolean attack(Position target) {
return attack_native(pointer, target);
public boolean attack(Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return attack_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to attack the specified unit. */
public boolean attack(Unit target) {
return attack_native(pointer, target);
public boolean attack(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return attack_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to build the given unit type at the given position. Note that if the player does not
* have enough resources when the unit attempts to place the building down, the order will fail. The
* tile position specifies where the top left corner of the building will be placed. */
public boolean build(TilePosition target, UnitType type) {
return build_native(pointer, target, type);
/** Orders the unit to build the given addon. The unit must be a Terran building that can have an addon
* and the specified unit type must be an addon unit type. */
public boolean buildAddon(UnitType type) {
return buildAddon_native(pointer, type);
/** Orders this unit to add the specified unit type to the training queue. Note that the player must
* have sufficient resources to train. If you wish to make units from a hatchery, use getLarva to get
* the larva associated with the hatchery and then call morph on the larva you want to morph. This
* command can also be used to make interceptors and scarabs. */
public boolean train(UnitType type) {
return train_native(pointer, type);
/** Orders the unit to morph into the specified unit type. Returns false if given a wrong type.
* \see Unit::cancelMorph, Unit::isMorphing. */
public boolean morph(UnitType type) {
return morph_native(pointer, type);
/** Orders the unit to research the given tech type.
* \see Unit::cancelResearch, Unit::Unit#isResearching, Unit::getRemainingResearchTime, Unit::getTech. */
public boolean research(TechType tech) {
return research_native(pointer, tech);
/** Orders the unit to upgrade the given upgrade type.
* \see Unit::cancelUpgrade, Unit::Unit#isUpgrading, Unit::getRemainingUpgradeTime, Unit::getUpgrade. */
public boolean upgrade(UpgradeType upgrade) {
return upgrade_native(pointer, upgrade);
/** Orders the unit to set its rally position to the specified position.
* \see Unit::getRallyPosition, Unit::getRallyUnit. */
public boolean setRallyPoint(Position target) {
return setRallyPoint_native(pointer, target);
/** Orders the unit to set its rally unit to the specified unit.
* \see Unit::setRallyPosition, Unit::getRallyPosition, Unit::getRallyUnit. */
public boolean setRallyPoint(Unit target) {
return setRallyPoint_native(pointer, target);
/** Orders the unit to move from its current position to the specified position.
* \see Unit::isMoving. */
public boolean move(Position target) {
return move_native(pointer, target);
public boolean move(Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return move_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to patrol between its current position and the specified position.
* \see Unit::isPatrolling. */
public boolean patrol(Position target) {
return patrol_native(pointer, target);
public boolean patrol(Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return patrol_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to hold its position.*/
public boolean holdPosition() {
return holdPosition_native(pointer);
public boolean holdPosition(boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return holdPosition_native(pointer, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to stop. */
public boolean stop() {
return stop_native(pointer);
public boolean stop(boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return stop_native(pointer, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to follow the specified unit.
* \see Unit::isFollowing. */
public boolean follow(Unit target) {
return follow_native(pointer, target);
public boolean follow(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return follow_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to gather the specified unit (must be mineral or refinery type).
* \see Unit::isGatheringGas, Unit::isGatheringMinerals. */
public boolean gather(Unit target) {
return gather_native(pointer, target);
public boolean gather(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return gather_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to return its cargo to a nearby resource depot such as a Command Center. Only
* workers that are carrying minerals or gas can be ordered to return cargo.
* \see Unit::isCarryingGas, Unit::isCarryingMinerals. */
public boolean returnCargo() {
return returnCargo_native(pointer);
public boolean returnCargo(boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return returnCargo_native(pointer, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to repair the specified unit. Only Terran SCVs can be ordered to repair, and the
* target must be a mechanical Terran unit or building.
* \see Unit::isRepairing. */
public boolean repair(Unit target) {
return repair_native(pointer, target);
public boolean repair(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return repair_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to burrow. Either the unit must be a Zerg Lurker, or the unit must be a Zerg ground
* unit and burrow tech must be researched.
* \see: Unit::unburrow, Unit::isBurrowed. */
public boolean burrow() {
return burrow_native(pointer);
/** Orders the burrowed unit to unburrow.
* \see: Unit::burrow, Unit::isBurrowed.
* */
public boolean unburrow() {
return unburrow_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to cloak.
* \see: Unit::decloak, Unit::isCloaked. */
public boolean cloak() {
return cloak_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to decloak.
* \see: Unit::cloak, Unit::isCloaked. */
public boolean decloak() {
return decloak_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to siege. Note: unit must be a Terran siege tank.
* \see Unit::unsiege, Unit::isSieged. */
public boolean siege() {
return siege_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to unsiege. Note: unit must be a Terran siege tank.
* \see: Unit::unsiege, Unit::isSieged. */
public boolean unsiege() {
return unsiege_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to lift. Note: unit must be a Terran building that can be lifted.
* \see Unit::land, Unit::isLifted. */
public boolean lift() {
return lift_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to land. Note: unit must be a Terran building that is currently lifted.
* \see Unit::lift, Unit::isLifted. */
public boolean land(TilePosition target) {
return land_native(pointer, target);
/** Orders the unit to load the target unit.
* \see Unit::unload, Unit::unloadAll, Unit::getLoadedUnits, Unit:isLoaded. */
public boolean load(Unit target) {
return load_native(pointer, target);
public boolean load(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return load_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to unload the target unit.
* \see Unit::load, Unit::unloadAll, Unit::getLoadedUnits, Unit:isLoaded. */
public boolean unload(Unit target) {
return unload_native(pointer, target);
/** Orders the unit to unload all loaded units at the unit's current position.
* \see Unit::load, Unit::unload, Unit::unloadAll, Unit::getLoadedUnits, Unit:isLoaded. */
public boolean unloadAll() {
return unloadAll_native(pointer);
public boolean unloadAll(boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return unloadAll_native(pointer, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the unit to unload all loaded units at the specified location. Unit should be a Terran
* Dropship, Protoss Shuttle, or Zerg Overlord. If the unit is a Terran Bunker, the units will be
* unloaded right outside the bunker, like in the first version of unloadAll.
* \see Unit::load, Unit::unload, Unit::unloadAll, Unit::getLoadedUnits, Unit:isLoaded. */
public boolean unloadAll(Position target) {
return unloadAll_native(pointer, target);
public boolean unloadAll(Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return unloadAll_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Works like the right click in the GUI. */
public boolean rightClick(Position target) {
return rightClick_native(pointer, target);
public boolean rightClick(Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return rightClick_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Works like the right click in the GUI. Right click on a mineral patch to order a worker to mine,
* right click on an enemy to attack it. */
public boolean rightClick(Unit target) {
return rightClick_native(pointer, target);
public boolean rightClick(Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand) {
return rightClick_native(pointer, target, shiftQueueCommand);
/** Orders the SCV to stop constructing the building, and the building is left in a partially complete
* state until it is canceled, destroyed, or completed.
* \see Unit::isConstructing. */
public boolean haltConstruction() {
return haltConstruction_native(pointer);
/** Orders the building to stop being constructed.
* \see Unit::beingConstructed. */
public boolean cancelConstruction() {
return cancelConstruction_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to stop making the addon. */
public boolean cancelAddon() {
return cancelAddon_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to remove the specified unit from its training queue.
* \see Unit::train, Unit::cancelTrain, Unit::isTraining, Unit::getTrainingQueue. */
public boolean cancelTrain() {
return cancelTrain_native(pointer);
public boolean cancelTrain(int slot) {
return cancelTrain_native(pointer, slot);
/** Orders the unit to stop morphing.
* \see Unit::morph, Unit::isMorphing. */
public boolean cancelMorph() {
return cancelMorph_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to cancel a research in progress.
* \see Unit::research, Unit::isResearching, Unit::getTech. */
public boolean cancelResearch() {
return cancelResearch_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to cancel an upgrade in progress.
* \see Unit::upgrade, Unit::isUpgrading, Unit::getUpgrade. */
public boolean cancelUpgrade() {
return cancelUpgrade_native(pointer);
/** Orders the unit to use a tech not requiring a target (ie Stim Pack). Returns true if it is a valid
* tech. */
public boolean useTech(TechType tech) {
return useTech_native(pointer, tech);
/** Orders the unit to use a tech requiring a position target (ie Dark Swarm). Returns true if it is a
* valid tech.*/
public boolean useTech(TechType tech, Position target) {
return useTech_native(pointer, tech, target);
/** Orders the unit to use a tech requiring a unit target (ie Irradiate). Returns true if it is a valid
* tech.*/
public boolean useTech(TechType tech, Unit target) {
return useTech_native(pointer, tech, target);
/** Moves a Flag Beacon to the target location. */
public boolean placeCOP(TilePosition target) {
return placeCOP_native(pointer, target);
private static Map<Long, Unit> instances = new HashMap<Long, Unit>();
private Unit(long pointer) {
this.pointer = pointer;
private static Unit get(long pointer) {
Unit instance = instances.get(pointer);
if (instance == null ) {
instance = new Unit(pointer);
instances.put(pointer, instance);
return instance;
private long pointer;
private native int getID_native(long pointer);
private native int getReplayID_native(long pointer);
private native Player getPlayer_native(long pointer);
private native UnitType getType_native(long pointer);
private native Position getPosition_native(long pointer);
private native TilePosition getTilePosition_native(long pointer);
private native double getAngle_native(long pointer);
private native double getVelocityX_native(long pointer);
private native double getVelocityY_native(long pointer);
private native Region getRegion_native(long pointer);
private native int getLeft_native(long pointer);
private native int getTop_native(long pointer);
private native int getRight_native(long pointer);
private native int getBottom_native(long pointer);
private native int getHitPoints_native(long pointer);
private native int getShields_native(long pointer);
private native int getEnergy_native(long pointer);
private native int getResources_native(long pointer);
private native int getResourceGroup_native(long pointer);
private native int getDistance_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native int getDistance_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean hasPath_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean hasPath_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native int getLastCommandFrame_native(long pointer);
private native Player getLastAttackingPlayer_native(long pointer);
private native int getUpgradeLevel_native(long pointer, UpgradeType upgrade);
private native UnitType getInitialType_native(long pointer);
private native Position getInitialPosition_native(long pointer);
private native TilePosition getInitialTilePosition_native(long pointer);
private native int getInitialHitPoints_native(long pointer);
private native int getInitialResources_native(long pointer);
private native int getKillCount_native(long pointer);
private native int getAcidSporeCount_native(long pointer);
private native int getInterceptorCount_native(long pointer);
private native int getScarabCount_native(long pointer);
private native int getSpiderMineCount_native(long pointer);
private native int getGroundWeaponCooldown_native(long pointer);
private native int getAirWeaponCooldown_native(long pointer);
private native int getSpellCooldown_native(long pointer);
private native int getDefenseMatrixPoints_native(long pointer);
private native int getDefenseMatrixTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getEnsnareTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getIrradiateTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getLockdownTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getMaelstromTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getOrderTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getPlagueTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getRemoveTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getStasisTimer_native(long pointer);
private native int getStimTimer_native(long pointer);
private native UnitType getBuildType_native(long pointer);
private native TechType getTech_native(long pointer);
private native UpgradeType getUpgrade_native(long pointer);
private native int getRemainingBuildTime_native(long pointer);
private native int getRemainingTrainTime_native(long pointer);
private native int getRemainingResearchTime_native(long pointer);
private native int getRemainingUpgradeTime_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getBuildUnit_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getTarget_native(long pointer);
private native Position getTargetPosition_native(long pointer);
private native Order getOrder_native(long pointer);
private native Order getSecondaryOrder_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getOrderTarget_native(long pointer);
private native Position getOrderTargetPosition_native(long pointer);
private native Position getRallyPosition_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getRallyUnit_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getAddon_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getNydusExit_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getPowerUp_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getTransport_native(long pointer);
private native List<Unit> getLoadedUnits_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getCarrier_native(long pointer);
private native List<Unit> getInterceptors_native(long pointer);
private native Unit getHatchery_native(long pointer);
private native List<Unit> getLarva_native(long pointer);
private native List<Unit> getUnitsInRadius_native(long pointer, int radius);
private native List<Unit> getUnitsInWeaponRange_native(long pointer, WeaponType weapon);
private native boolean exists_native(long pointer);
private native boolean hasNuke_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isAccelerating_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isAttacking_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isAttackFrame_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBeingConstructed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBeingGathered_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBeingHealed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBlind_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBraking_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isBurrowed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isCarryingGas_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isCarryingMinerals_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isCloaked_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isCompleted_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isConstructing_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isDefenseMatrixed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isDetected_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isEnsnared_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isFollowing_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isGatheringGas_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isGatheringMinerals_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isHallucination_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isHoldingPosition_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isIdle_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isInterruptible_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isInvincible_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isInWeaponRange_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean isIrradiated_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isLifted_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isLoaded_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isLockedDown_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isMaelstrommed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isMorphing_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isMoving_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isParasited_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isPatrolling_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isPlagued_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isRepairing_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isResearching_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isSelected_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isSieged_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isStartingAttack_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isStasised_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isStimmed_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isStuck_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isTraining_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUnderAttack_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUnderDarkSwarm_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUnderDisruptionWeb_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUnderStorm_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUnpowered_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isUpgrading_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isVisible_native(long pointer);
private native boolean isVisible_native(long pointer, Player player);
private native boolean canIssueCommand_native(long pointer, UnitCommand command);
private native boolean issueCommand_native(long pointer, UnitCommand command);
private native boolean attack_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean attack_native(long pointer, Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean attack_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean attack_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean build_native(long pointer, TilePosition target, UnitType type);
private native boolean buildAddon_native(long pointer, UnitType type);
private native boolean train_native(long pointer, UnitType type);
private native boolean morph_native(long pointer, UnitType type);
private native boolean research_native(long pointer, TechType tech);
private native boolean upgrade_native(long pointer, UpgradeType upgrade);
private native boolean setRallyPoint_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean setRallyPoint_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean move_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean move_native(long pointer, Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean patrol_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean patrol_native(long pointer, Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean holdPosition_native(long pointer);
private native boolean holdPosition_native(long pointer, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean stop_native(long pointer);
private native boolean stop_native(long pointer, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean follow_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean follow_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean gather_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean gather_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean returnCargo_native(long pointer);
private native boolean returnCargo_native(long pointer, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean repair_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean repair_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean burrow_native(long pointer);
private native boolean unburrow_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cloak_native(long pointer);
private native boolean decloak_native(long pointer);
private native boolean siege_native(long pointer);
private native boolean unsiege_native(long pointer);
private native boolean lift_native(long pointer);
private native boolean land_native(long pointer, TilePosition target);
private native boolean load_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean load_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean unload_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean unloadAll_native(long pointer);
private native boolean unloadAll_native(long pointer, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean unloadAll_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean unloadAll_native(long pointer, Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean rightClick_native(long pointer, Position target);
private native boolean rightClick_native(long pointer, Position target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean rightClick_native(long pointer, Unit target);
private native boolean rightClick_native(long pointer, Unit target, boolean shiftQueueCommand);
private native boolean haltConstruction_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelConstruction_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelAddon_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelTrain_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelTrain_native(long pointer, int slot);
private native boolean cancelMorph_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelResearch_native(long pointer);
private native boolean cancelUpgrade_native(long pointer);
private native boolean useTech_native(long pointer, TechType tech);
private native boolean useTech_native(long pointer, TechType tech, Position target);
private native boolean useTech_native(long pointer, TechType tech, Unit target);
private native boolean placeCOP_native(long pointer, TilePosition target);