this is important, as if you want to run the TestBot in the bwmirror project directly from an IDE, the dlls and bwta data files are not being extracted from a JAR file and the extraction would fail. this method is a fair bit more robust and will automatically handle those differences. in addition, using System.load instead of System.loadLibrary to load the bwapi_bridge native library. this allows us to stop doing that hacky reflection thing to reset the java.library.path property and just pass in an absolute path to bwapi_bridge.dll |
bwapi-includes | ||
bwapi_bridge | ||
bwmirror | ||
bwta2-includes | ||
generator | ||
manual-bwapi | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
gmp-vc90-mt.dll | ||
javadoc_script.bat | ||
LICENSE.md | ||
mpfr-vc90-mt.dll | ||
BWMirror API
Directory explanation
bwapi-data/ : just some BWTA analyzed maps, so you can test the API in real game
bwapi4-includes/ : the headers from BWAPI4, for now, just paste the headers here, the generators uses these to create the .java files and then the .cpp
bwta2-c/ : the headers from BWTA2, same as above
c4/ : the final .cpp, generated by the project, kept in the repo just as a showcase
lib/ : only jsoup to parse htmls with documentation
manual-bwapi/ : .java files which are added to the API, used to inject custom code. Used for BWAPI3
manual-bwapi4/ : .java files which are added to the API, used to inject custom code. Used for BWAPI4
javadoc_script.bat : script to generate javadoc for API, currently uses absolute paths, should be refactored
gmp, mpfr dlls : these are required for BWTA2, if anyone managed to get static versions of these let me know
TODO: improve naming
Instructions to run the generator
Slightly outdated version can be found here
TODO: finish the guide